
Please add any good songs and/or Procedures that you use in the classroom


Here are some suggestions Janet Williamson gave me from  

Music K-8,  :

Vol. 11, #1 A Bag O'Tigers (fun!)

Vol. 8, #1 Popcorn Bag

Vol. 10, #1 Jitterbag


Her procedures and rubric:




Recorder Karate Procedures



Ready Position

Instrument is poised on your chin and fingers are ready to play. No sounds are made!





Instrument is in lap.

No sounds are made!



If anyone plays their recorder when they are NOT

supposed to = “FIRST WARNING”


“SECOND WARNING” = recorder has to

go back into bag and you lose the

right to test for belts that day


Grading Rubric for Karate Belts


5 -Plays with very few mistakes and good

tone and rhythm.

4-Plays with a few mistakes in pitches or


3-Plays with several mistakes in pitches or


2-Plays with many mistakes in pitches,

rhythm, or in fingering a particular note.

1-Plays with many mistakes in pitches and

rhythm, poor tone, many starts and

stops, and/or seems very unsure of


A 5, 4, or 3 gets a belt.

If you get a 1 or 2, you have to try again on another day.


Student Groups


Job #1 (Starter) - Starts group

by saying,

“1, 2, ready go.”


Job #2 (Stopper) - Stops group

if they hear a problem.


Job #3 (Fixer) - Corrects the



Job #4 (Checker) - Makes sure mistake was fixed.

